Annoyingly Helpful
thoughts from Thought Driven Development
Self Care in the Age of Solitude
This week, millions of people are making radical adjustments to their way of life. Suddenly all of our relationships, personal and professional, are fully mediated by technology. How can you live like this and still live your best life?

Why is everything so hard?
In part one of the series, we explore how tech debt is slowing down your engineering team.

Modern theme development in Shopify, Part One
Building a Shopify theme as a proper 12-factor app is nearly impossible, but there are some tricks to the trade. Here we explore a strategy for setting environment variables in a Shopify theme.

End-to-End Testing React Apps
The Rails monolith is considered by many to be passé. But if your app uses a front end framework such as React to talk to a API, chances are you're not doing proper outside-in testing.

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